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Welcome to Holmes Community College Libraries: Business Pathway

Holmes Community College Libraries

Physical Materials

~880 holdings in relevant call number ranges across all campuses

Relevant Call Number Ranges: 100s, 350s, 650s; -06 (106, 206, 306, etc.)

Dewey Decimal System Breakdown

Career and Test Prep

PrepStep - Build basic workplace skills and prepare for occupational and/or standardized tests.

Occupational Outlook Handbook - career information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

PurposeGames - science, math, history, etc. games for trivia or study

Job and Career Accelerator - Build a resume and find a job or internship.

Fun to Type - games to improve keyboarding/typing skills

image of Holmes Community College mascot head logo facing right

Online Resources

Specialized Databases from HCC

General Research Databases



Wendy Grace
Coordinator of Academic Programs
Phone: (662) 472-9174

Cathy Cummings
Administrative Assistant to the Academic Coordinator
Phone: (662) 472-9165

Simonee Miller
Academic Counselor
Phone: (662) 472-9144

Find an Academic Advisor at Goodman

Tina Garrett
Coordinator of Academic Programs
Phone: (662) 227-2322

Stephanie Chambley
Administrative Assistant to the Academic Coordinator
Phone: (662) 227-2354

Cynthia Abel
Academic Counselor
Phone: (662) 227-2325

Find an Academic Advisor at Grenada

Dr. Tonya Lawrence
Dean of Academic Programs
Phone: (601) 605-3413

Kerri Edwards
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Academic Programs
Phone: (601) 605-3348

Kristin Daniels
Administrative Assistant to Academic Programs
Phone: (601) 605-3371

Pamela Fells
Academic Counselor
Phone: (601) 605-3311

Find an Academic Advisor at Ridgeland

 Need Help with Citations? 

Visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab for research, writing, and citation guides.

Additional links, tips, and tools can be found in our General Library Resources Guide under Citation and Writing Information. 

Working on a Paper? 

Visit or contact the Writing Center!

Location: McDaniel Hall 25



 Working on a Paper? 

Visit or contact the Writing Center!

Location: Main Building Room 210 (upstairs)


Faculty Services

  • Quiet space to work
  • Flexible Seating - Lounge Chairs - Table seating for individual or small group - Computer Seating
  • Access to Computer and Printer Use of school supplies such as stapler, hole punch, tape, and pencil sharpener

Tutoring Services

The Writing Center provides access to student tutors and and English instructor to help with the following areas:

  • Formatting
  • Citations Idea
  • Development
  • Proof Reading
  • Clarity of Writing Assignments
  • Grammar Development
  • Cohesiveness
  • Canvas Submission
  • And More!




 Working on a Paper? 

The Writing Center is Here to Help!

Write Here, Right Now!  

Find us in Madison Hall 205 for assistance with any step of the writing process.

F2F or E-Tutoring: Monday and Wednesday: 9:30-1:00
F2F or E-Tutoring: Tuesday and Thursday: 9:30-11:30; 1:30-3:00
E-Tutoring Only: Friday: 9:00-11:00

Location: Madison Hall 205