Occupational Outlook Handbook - Career information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
PurposeGames - Science, Math, History, etc. games for Trivia or Study.
Job and Career Accelerator - Build a resume, find a job or internship
Inner Body - Human anatomy guide.
MedlinePlus - Comprehensive Medical Information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
PsycINFO - Free Resources from The American Psychological Association (Register with Gmail account).
US National Library of Medicine - Free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
Salem Press (Literature, History, and Health Reference) - Password = holmescc
Physical Therapist Assistant
BioInteractive - BioInteractive brings biological research to life through award-winning videos, simulations, data points, virtual labs, classroom activities, and more, created by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
American Physical Therapy Association - This professional society was founded in 1921, and it has grown to a membership of over 88,000 physical therapists and students. Educators can nominate students and peers for honorary academic membership. Students can also apply for merit-based funding, such as the Mary McMillan Scholarship Award and the Minority Scholarship Award. APTA members gain access to an exclusive database of job listings, career development events, patient care research and payment reform articles.
The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy - National licensing agency that administers physical therapy exams and issues professional credentials on a state-by-state basis. Students can log on to this website to apply for a state physical therapy license, review study materials and handbooks and request practice exams. Current professionals can apply for membership to gain access to continuing education materials, networking events and the official FSBPT magazine.
Continuing Education Courses - Online news source is run by the mass media and communications company, Gannett. Users can find job listings and breaking news updates, find continuing education courses with the extensive databases hosted on the site as well as get a copy of the free ezine sent to you via email. Today in PT also publishes a print magazine, with a target audience of physical therapy professionals living within the United States.
Neuro Treatment Recommendations - In addition to a blog filled with clinician-facing resources on neurological conditions, this website boasts tons of excellent patient-facing resources that are available in both Spanish and English. (Blog creator: Bria Varner, PT, DPT, NCS)
The Knee Resource - “Simple hinge joint” or not, knee dysfunction can confound even the most experienced PT. This site offers an incredibly comprehensive library of protocols, evidence, assessment tools, outcome measures, and more. While there is a blog section, the aforementioned resources are, in my opinion, the most impressive part of the site. (Blog creators: Richard Norris and Daniel Massey, two physiotherapy knee specialists from the UK)
Fitness Pain Free - One of the best things about Fitness Pain Free is that its articles feature extensive anatomy reviews. This helps readers gain a deeper understanding of movement from an anatomical and biomechanical perspective. (Blog creator: Dan Pope, a physical therapist, coach and self-proclaimed meathead).
The Student Physical Therapist - While the creators have long since finished PT school, they continue to release helpful information to support students as they transition into full-fledged clinicians. (Blog creators: Jim Heafner, PT, DPT, OCS, Chris Fox, PT, DPT, OCS, and Brian Schwabe, PT, DPT, SCS)
PTA Program Director
(662) 227-2379
PTA Instructor
(662) 227-2390
Administrative Assistant
(662) 227-2350
Career-Technical Counselor
(662) 227-2360